about us

Co-Impact team

Co-Impact team

Co-Impact brings together local changemakers and funders from around the world to make health, education, and economic systems stronger and more inclusive – creating impact that lasts. Our commitment to advancing gender equality and women’s leadership is central to this goal.

By focusing on systems, we work at the scale of the problem – dismantling the root causes of inequality that disadvantage hundreds of millions of women, girls and marginalized communities.

Spanning five continents, our team identifies partners that will create lasting progress when supported with the resources to work at scale.

Pooling funding allows us to provide large, flexible grants and strategic support to locally-rooted partners in Africa, Asia, and Latin America who know their systems best.

Our partners’ initiatives will benefit more than 600 million people and we can go even further together. We aim to deploy over $1 billion by 2030 and achieve a world where everyone can lead fulfilling lives.

Our Two Funds

Co-Impact’s Foundational Fund supports efforts to deliver lasting change to health, education and economic systems in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and advance gender equality. The Foundational Fund provides grants and strategic support to locally-rooted organizations in Africa, Asia and Latin America which focus on improving the lives of one million people or more.

Through this fund, Co-Impact has brought together 40 funders from over 16 countries to deploy $350 million.

Our second fund, the Gender Fund advances gender equality and women’s leadership across health, education, and economic systems, as well as in the professional domains of law and economics.

The Fund aims to raise and deploy over US $1 billion of long-term, flexible funding to predominantly women-led, locally-rooted organizations in Africa, Asia and Latin America by 2030.


How this website was born

Co-Impact recognizes that organizations are often not provided with sufficient opportunity or support to  effectively engage in this work. Therefore, as part of our grantmaking, we provide a separate grant to Program Partners so they can engage in a “Design Phase”. 

During the Design Phase, each Program Partner takes the time to pause and deepen their thinking, to be able to refine their comprehensive vision and strategy for systems or institutional change. 

To kick off the Design Phase, we invite a few representatives from our Program Partners to a design workshop where we share our framework on systems change. With the positive feedback we have gotten over the years on the usefulness of that workshop, we created this website to be able to replicate the experience of a learning and discovery journey for staff and other stakeholders of our Program Partners who could not be there.

Asia and Africa design workshop 2023, Kenya

Asia and Africa design workshop 2023, Kenya

Americas and Africa design workshop 2024, Mexico

Americas and Africa design workshop 2024, Mexico

Asia design workshop 2023, India

Asia design workshop 2023, India

The framework represented in this resource is distilled from both our own experience, and the deep expertise and learnings of our Program Partners that they have so generously shared with us over the years. 

We hope that your bus journey here excites, challenges, and inspires you. If you find this resource helpful, we hope that you share it with everyone whom you know are seeking to change people’s lives.

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